Young Adult & Adult Counseling
We recognize that anxiety and OCD can be overwhelming, scary, and isolating. However, it is also treatable!
Using cognitive behavior therapy, also known as CBT, we empower clients with the necessary skills to modify their irrational thoughts, confront their maladaptive fears, and decrease their overall anxiety. We know that therapy (and, let’s face it, life) can be difficult, so we take a compassionate, collaborative, and direct approach to teach clients to lean into the anxiety and step out of their comfort zone.
Treatment consists of the following:
Initial, comprehensive assessment evaluates a client’s history, functioning, presenting concerns, and treatment goals
Individualized treatment plan for anxiety, OCD, and related disorders that is tailored to meet the client’s needs
Skills-based approach that teaches clients to challenge their irrational thoughts, modify their fear-based behaviors, and ultimately decrease their overall anxiety
Frequent consultation with outside providers to provide consistency of care and to help maintain gains outside of session
Sessions in the office, in the home, in a restaurant, at a mall, or wherever anxiety may be experienced and exposures may be helpful
Areas of Specialization
Anxiety Disorders
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Social Anxiety
Panic Disorder
Panic Attacks
Specific Phobia (fear of vomiting, blood, needles, flying and driving)
Obsessive Compulsive & Related Disorders
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Skin Picking (Excoriation)
Hair Pulling (Trichotillomania)
Associated Symptoms
Failure to launch