Consultation & Speaking
Are you a clinician looking to enhance you or your team’s current Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Exposure Therapy skills? Are you a school administrator looking to help your teachers understand their student’s anxiety better? Are you a parent wanting to learn new ways to manage your child’s anxiety?
Jennifer Welbel, LCPC has consulted with schools, families, and clinicians on the North Shore to increase their understanding of anxiety disorders and OCD. She has spoken and written on the following topics:
The Fundamentals of Exposure Therapies for Anxiety Disorders
How to Manage Childhood Anxiety in the Classroom
Debunking the Myths: Anxiety disorders, CBT, and the DSM-5
"I'm So OCD About MY Room Being Clean: Jennifer Welbel on The Myths of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder"
"Why Young Adults Need an Open Support Group"
If you are interested in having the North Suburban Center for Anxiety facilitate a presentation for your business, school, or professional organization, please do not hesitate to call or email.